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Pūpūkahi I Holomua - Moving Forward Together
Ê»Ilima's school community will journey together by persevering through life's challenges and striving toward success. 


Through compassion, collaboration, and resiliency, Ê»Ilima Intermediate will inspire lifelong learners and nurture the whole child. 

Vision & Mission

Ilima Intermediate's School Design

Ilima Way - School Design (1).jpg
School Design

The Story of our Murals:

Honoring Our Past, Reflecting on the Present,

and Educating for the Future

Story of our Murals

Front Office
Fall 2018 by artist Brian Cole

The Beauty that Exists


         As visitors enter our school, they will notice the vibrant colors infused on our building walls. Our students, teachers, parents and community partners who understand the "Ilima Way" know how important it is to honor our past. Our past includes teachers, parents, ancestors and the plantation history that tie us all together. As such, our murals represent our humble efforts to pay tribute to the history of Ewa Beach and the historic Hawaiian art displayed on murals that once identified Ilima Intermediate as the landmark middle school of Ewa Beach and Kapolei (before Kapolei Middle and East Kapolei Middle were built)! We invite you to view the beauty of our murals as each one is a collaborative work amongst students along with artists Mr. Jesse Velasquez and International Wave Artist Mr. Hilton Alves! 


          Ilima Intermediate sits on land filled with rich history, tradition and culture. Our murals pay tribute to the abundance of knowledge which has shaped current leaders and productive members of various communities! The collective message of all our murals is about one message:  "Our students are our precious resources to humankind and for all of eternity!"  In Hawaiian culture, students are often compared to lei and how it is our kuleana (responsibility) to care for them. Therefore, the collective message of our murals and our mission is, "'O ka lei mae 'ole ke ke keiki."


While we learn from our past, we reflect on the present and educate for the future. Everyday! Every student! Care! Serve! Inspire! The Ilima Way! 

B-buidling Mural

Completed at the end of February 2020, our 50th Anniversary mural was made possible by the collaboration between students and POW WOW Artist Jesse Velasquez. The lei represents us as individuals uniting to create something greater than ourselves, which focuses on the theme of unity and togetherness. The symbols on the top and bottom represent the land, and oceans respectively. The middle symbol is the sun and moon to represent exploration through space. The colors of the flowers are orange to represent the color of the Ilima flower, and in turn the school. The hands are the color orange to give off the impression of the petals transforming into the hands which symbolize our care, service and inspiration to everyone at Ilima Intermediate School and our great Ewa Beach community! #IlimaWay

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